In 1945, "The Christophers" began their weekly halfhour radio program. The group was formed that year by Maryknoll priest Father James Keller. Beginning in 1952, the program began being aired on ABC TV with "You Can Change the World," with founder Fr. James Keller, Jack Benny, Bob Hope, Bing Crosby and others. Through many short television plays starring many of the top-billed names in show business, Father Keller sought to embrace not only those who accepted a JudeoChristian faith, but in particular those he called the "hundred million"; those with no ties to any organized faith or whose personal convictions had soured through bitter experiences.
(1956) In "Filming the Ten Commandments" Father James Keller talks with Yul Brynner, Cecil B. DeMille, Cedric Hardwick and others.
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