Contestant Picker Demo

By Paul Williams | Oct 20, 2016
This program will be available shortly via GitLab. It is open sourced (under Eclipse Public License) but you are not allowed to sell it.

Download here -
GitLab Source -


- Where's the sounds?!
Per my usual MO, sounds will not be available outside of Fan Games.

- Why can't I resize it?
Redrawing a WinForm in VB (or C#) by code is a pain in the ass. (Not only do I have to count the pixels but I have to keep everything to scale... Try imagining how to keep 30 different objects to scale... BY CODE.) Maybe in a future version I'll commit to making the form resizable. There's also a chance I can get this converted from WinForm to WPF instead or using some kind of graphics engine. Still learning.

- WTF? What happened to the controller you were making?!
Again, this was a distraction project. It was slowly not getting fun making it so I decided to distract myself with this side project. I will go ahead and come back to making the two controllers, but I need rest. (And maybe a lot of video games)

- Why the Eclipse License? Why not GNU GPL?
This is actually a touchy subject but I generally wanted to make it freely available but keep some of the rights to myself. And I generally felt Eclipse did that. I may change to GNU GPL but I will come back to that later.

- Does this mean the program will be cost money?
No. I won't be charging for this. And you cannot charge for this if you use my code.

- Why is it stuck to the Millionaire template, what happened to the other ones?!
I'll be coming back to this over time and adding additional themes to the program. Like Press Your Luck or Family Feud. But that is later in life when I figure out how to get things to resize.

- Can you show me how to make it? How to code?
No. And oh god no. I'm the worst teacher when it comes to teaching programming. The program source code is available to browse. (Same rules though, you CANNOT sell it if you use my code.) If you really want to see me butcher learn the VB.NET, Unity, or C# languages, you're invited to follow my Twitch stream and see when I start coding the WWTBAM controllers again or any side projects.

- Why make this in the first place?
Again, I needed a distraction from making the first controller. During the entirety of me making this program, I learned several different things that I can apply to other projects of mine. One of which was the simultaneous display of WinForms (aka what I would need to do in order to make the classic Hot Seat display). I'm still torn between which method of showing graphics I want to use. Part of me is leaning towards Flash, another part of me is leaning towards Cocos 2D, another part of me is leaning towards Unity or even Unreal Engine 4.

- In a PM: But I want the controller now!??1/1??1 So can you hurry up with it already?
*readies the block button* Seriously... just no. I've already caught a few people doing this on the original thread for the SuperMix controller.... And I'm REALLY patient with it but seriously, don't do it.