
We offer an extensive DIY Section with a Plethora of videos chalked full of Easy to follow RV projects, RV tips and tricks, and other RV related stuff. If you want to learn how to do some creative stuff then make sure to hit the subscribe button right now.

Vision Statement:
Here at 3tails RV, We believe that RV Living is about sharing information, ideas, and experiences, so that you the viewers can learn and grow. Thus, passing on our experiences to others and getting involved.

Our adventure started in December of 2014, When we purchased our RV a 2000 Fleetwood Bounder, for the last 4 years we have been living in the RV and doing a lot of renovations to it, as of July 2019 We begin our own journey of full-timing on the road and have worked as a workcamper while Enjoying the road.

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