Welcoming our brand new Demolition Airsoft discord.    Anyone can join. You need to be subscribed tothe demolition Airsoft website, Alongwith being subscribed to the YouTube channel. Demolition Airsoft is based out of Indiana. So if you’re inIndiana and need a team. Or if you have any questions you may join Demodiscord. Anyone is able to chat call whatever the case maybe. This discord will be for helping the community of Airsoft. There will be rules for public joinings. Rules will be listed a the bottom of the page.

Join now

Demo Discord

We are not asking for money. To get your invite code. Although we do ask for you to subscribe to all of our socials

How to join the discord

To get an invite for the Demolition Airsoft discord. I want to start off by saying Though we are not Asking for money. We do ask for you to be subscribed to the Demolition Airsoft, YouTube channel, And to be signed up for the daily emails Through this website. Once you are all subscribed, you will need to go to the contact page put in your name. Then you’ll need to put I need demo discord. Once I received an email from you. I will then email you the discord invite. 


Rules& Regulations

1.) No profanity 2.) No drama What so ever. 3.) If it’s not Airsoft related, do not put it in chat. Selling through DemoDiscord is completely fine. Sending videos of Airsoft will be allowed. I will be completely lenient as long as you people have heads on your shoulders. I want this discord to be fun to join. I want lots of Conversations helping people out, etc. You have to be obnoxious, you will be evicted From the DemoDiscord.

My YouTube Channel