3D Printed 34" RC Boat Build

By RC Printer | Sep 09, 2022
Today we build a 34" 3D printed RC boat. The designs were acquired from thingiverse here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2337209 Thanks a tonne to the designer Sergey2484 for his awesome work. This build video covers glueing, sanding, painting, decals, and installation of hardware and electronics. We also take the boat out for its maiden voyage on the water to see how she goes! Finally the video raps up with some thoughts and tips from the builder just incase you're thinking of makeing one of your own!

If you're looking for cool ideas for 3D printed RC projects to build, kits, parts or instructions on how to build them check out our website at www.rcprinter.com

Music from Uppbeat: https://uppbeat.io/t/mikey-geiger/purple-people-tweeter
License code: 2U87VVF8K3PMWIG1